What Is a Nash Equilibrium? | Understanding Strategic Behavior in Web3


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Web3 is powered by oracles, smart contracts, and DAOs, which depend on strategic interactions. Nash equilibrium, a concept from game theory, helps predict the outcomes of strategic interactions and is essential for understanding how Web3 works. In this Chainlink Research Reports clip, Dr. Giulia Fanti, an assistant professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, explains Nash equilibrium and its relevance in strategic interactions.

Check out the Smart Contract Research Forum (SCRF) for more about the importance of strategic behavior and game theory for Web3: https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/.

Dr. Fanti also answered questions on this and other topics in a recent SCRF AMA.

Chainlink Research Reports presents research that informs the smart contract and blockchain oracle industry presented by expert researchers building Chainlink, smart contract, and blockchain systems throughout the fields of computer science, economics, and many adjacent fields.

Learn more about the Smart Contract Research Forum:
Website: https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SCRForum
Research Topics:
Auditing and Security: https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/c/auditing-and-security/5
Oracles and Data: https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/c/oracles-and-data/6
Consensus: https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/c/consensus/7
Scaling: https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/c/scaling/8
Mechanism Design and Game Theory: https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/c/mechanism-design-and-game-theory/10
Governance and Coordination: https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/c/governance-and-coordination/11
Cryptography: https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/c/cryptography/12
Tooling and Languages: https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/c/tooling-and-languages/14
Privacy: https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/c/privacy/21

Chainlink is the industry standard oracle network for powering hybrid smart contracts. Chainlink Decentralized Oracle Networks provide developers with the largest collection of high-quality data sources and secure off-chain computations to expand the capabilities of smart contracts on any blockchain.

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