What Is a Blockchain? | Blockchain Basics Ep. 1


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In the first episode of the "Blockchain Basics" series, Chainlink Labs Developer Advocate Zak Ayesh explains what blockchains are, how they function, and what makes them unique.

Helpful resources:

-What Is a Blockchain? https://blog.chain.link/what-is-a-blockchain-and-how-can-it-impact-the-world/
-Bitcoin Whitepaper: https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf
-What Is a Smart Contract? https://chain.link/education/smart-contracts

Chainlink is the industry standard for building, accessing, and selling oracle services needed to power hybrid smart contracts on any blockchain. Chainlink oracle networks provide smart contracts with a way to reliably connect to any external API and leverage secure off-chain computations for enabling feature-rich applications. Chainlink currently secures tens of billions of dollars across DeFi, insurance, gaming, and other major industries, and offers global enterprises and leading data providers a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink:

Website: https://chain.link
Docs: https://docs.chain.link
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#Chainlink #Blockchain #Smartcontracts

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